
grocery list: Solbergs

I have more courage, than I can express.  But not enough, to make you seem less.  I don't want to last, until, I end,  or someone makes me seem,  like, I can't be what I was.  I have more courage, than I can express. I can't wish upon, a will, that ends, like money, retired, upon the claim, so still. Its, so still, still, not enough make me want to shake my arms around. No. I don't I can't, I can't make it seem as if their, is not at something which makes me want to trust.  I would.    I would.    I would.    I promise, if I had the opportunity, to make, this a final.  Means, to ask.    I would say, depart upon, that way it blasts.  the way it makes you sound more, like a passing thing.  Or life a dream.  I have more courage than I can express.  But not enough to end, this scene,  the way I am standing here,  in the middle of a scene.  No, I wouldn't make it seem.

We are too ourselves

 We are too ourselves

Great point to begin with

 No one is calling my name anymore,  from the back of the house, where lilac, blooms our boisterous achievement.    good to know you!  to close to understanding.  or realization maybe?  no way, it's just as it is.    A spiritual concept: seasons.  


 I don't know how all of this stuff, got spread out over time like this.  I swear I was trying to meet where you were at, but I got selfish, in asking you to go out and enjoy the sunset.  Just once, you heathen.    I cause something, you see as pernicious.   and something is lost between us.  something close to the sunset,  or the jump between, enjoyment.    when we getting close to talking: really...  it was a fault? no way.   not all that bad.   
The mountains swell and lay constant everthere grows tress I remember through which water flows this is beyond vision hides there in the unseen exists, pulsing, beating, inebriated on blood and water. A natural law Everything is bowing sways in the current of earth's orbit I am in awe She has given up the cross remarking, "Don't you wish you could grab that there, hold it somewhere close inside of you, forever." Why even answer?