Orchids, should burst with color!

Orchids, should burst with color!

You sit, swaddled in cloth of darkness

Behind closed doors, funeral reception.

all alike, alabaster china, un-broken, un-chipped,

An example of purity, resonance in the universe.

A perfect sphere, hand of sunshine, tracing out

reflections on a mirror of water.

In black overgrowth you sit, aged,

pettles wilted, delicate I wish to clasp them.

These moments is not your the years,

and everything is as it should be.

Here, there, now there is nothing of sadness and nothing of joy.

But all of the universe, with great weight!

Why not, burst with color. Change the facade, the facial hue.

In this wooden coffin, dusted, falsity and preservation.

Orchids, why not. Become anew!


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