
Showing posts from August, 2021
I have more courage, than I can express.  But not enough, to make you seem less.  I don't want to last, until, I end,  or someone makes me seem,  like, I can't be what I was.  I have more courage, than I can express. I can't wish upon, a will, that ends, like money, retired, upon the claim, so still. Its, so still, still, not enough make me want to shake my arms around. No. I don't I can't, I can't make it seem as if their, is not at something which makes me want to trust.  I would.    I would.    I would.    I promise, if I had the opportunity, to make, this a final.  Means, to ask.    I would say, depart upon, that way it blasts.  the way it makes you sound more, like a passing thing.  Or life a dream.  I have more courage than I can express.  But not enough to end, this scene,  the way I am standing here,  in the middle of a scene.  No, I wouldn't make it seem.

We are too ourselves

 We are too ourselves