
Showing posts from September, 2018

Songs of Sexual Intimacy

Beauty What cannot be named, Will go the same, Down the path, of all-Forgotten. So in who’s, black hair, I writhe, and dare. This I have not forgotten: You are not, And simply not, Although it’s taken time, time, and tears: mine. -Intimacy- I can look into jewel-y eyes, daring not to claim. I can be delicate, I can be calm. I can admire, Without a need, ha, to tame. And you will love, And do the same. -With your Art- I see your fire -- I am a cave, And cannot be burned: But I will reflect your name! For eyes are Keen, To show the heart, Though a shield, of hatred, Drawn and raised. I am stream, So, I move, with your art. -I would like to dedicate these songs, to Lisa, whom showed me the mad strength, of this heart. And courage, to be. - Lisa, you’re spirit is a clear river, Your soul is a dark forest, Your sexuality is a fire, that burns me, Cauterizes my wounds, Your sm

Coming Together

What is it that I can give you? When all lays open, and dares to be. All but by--- This move inside. that is, as it was Before, but ages ago. Coming together.


A bird, a hawk That soars above.  A predator.  Bound to render judgment. But careful.  Without fury, It pulls it's wing against the wind. And gently strikes. The earth. The quivering life, dies under the sun, Nothing is taken for granted. Death, which always will come, is respected.


Humanity in chains --- contemplate these words --- brother and sister, what is it we bare? our bond, forged in that place, where the heart could not care.

Horrible Art

In all the hills, they dwell and be, But long to see them free. For wanders off the plaque and stone, Bare no stories, but in the tome. Why, when the heart did sing for thee, You craved for fear: of love and me. For the setting of the sun and arch, Brings on wings, the song, with robin’s-dart To only twist and bind, in the cage of mind. conceiving that horrible art.

Waiting for You

How fair and how sweet you would be, as the church bells toll, in my chest you are, A bright new day, clearly rung, Not as the grave lays wasted, and a song unsung. The taste of you has not faded, From my tongue. So how many hours, must I wait for thee, A hundred years, too long? It could hardly be.

She, Bearer

The saddest, facts, Cannot give way. They sit in place, As stones. Lay amongst my way. And my dear love, I surmise, that we are here: To move them from the fray. For inside them all: A light. that shines as day.


I think also, remember: the rain falling, Out there, in the dark and desolation, of america. A warmth, that is the kitchen oven. in the glow of candlelight my life’s heart, flickers against it. I felt pent up. It felt like there was nowhere to go, We were lost. I have to get out! I remember going out, stalking in the blue evening grass, Looking in at another's, little flame. Their shining ornaments. Is there a warmth in their home? Are you in love neighbor? Have you found it… The dark night is a beautiful *sigh* Catching me out late again. Coming home? Must I go? You are calling me wind, a strange, inevitably, as if i’d found spirit, my soul, up in the trees. And it had taken me up there, And i’ve lived among it for an hour or two. What was there before this? For my love, I head down the valley into the dark, where the clouds roll, bringing their desolation. Bringing the storm. We are not stronger than nature. We are all born in the woods, why do we fight? We all are in love, to sl


I want to crawl away, underneath a dark table. Past, and underneath, the dead-grey light, of the linen window-seal. Take a blind eye to you: Who did not want me! I will not see the sun rise today: Or bloom for you any longer.

Garden Snake

Fear is that sap upon the noble heart. A green snake, monstrous, Coiling and uncoiling, Around my little white arm: Why did I ever hold you to play! Daring in awe, frozen in my foil. Surrendered, waiting for the bite. No, too much this natural delight. Were their banners, flags that fly, Flowers thrown from prostrate cries? No. Just a gentle sigh and a risky step, into curiosity. circling up, friction on the valley, and rivulets of my arm, in the shade of Grandma's purple and green branches. The scent of lilac in the air, witness eyes, that seem to say, "hello."