Garden Snake

Fear is that sap upon the noble heart.
A green snake, monstrous,
Coiling and uncoiling,
Around my little white arm:

Why did I ever hold you to play!

Daring in awe, frozen in my foil.
Surrendered, waiting for the bite.

No, too much this natural delight.

Were their banners, flags that fly,
Flowers thrown from prostrate cries?

No. Just a gentle sigh
and a risky step, into curiosity.

circling up, friction on the valley, and rivulets of my arm,
in the shade of Grandma's purple and green branches.
The scent of lilac in the air,

witness eyes, that seem to say,



  1. lilac!! Ive been seeing a lot around! Jonny, add me on facebook Tal Harrison (talia stephens from st marks) I want to connect with you!!


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