Songs of Sexual Intimacy


What cannot be named,
Will go the same,
Down the path, of

So in who’s, black hair,
I writhe, and dare.
This I have not forgotten:

You are not,
And simply not,

Although it’s taken time,
time, and tears:



I can look into jewel-y eyes,
daring not to claim.

I can be delicate,
I can be calm.

I can admire,
Without a need, ha, to tame.

And you will love,
And do the same.

-With your Art-

I see your fire --
I am a cave,
And cannot be burned:

But I will reflect your name!

For eyes are Keen,
To show the heart,

Though a shield, of hatred,
Drawn and raised.

I am stream,

So, I move, with your art.

-I would like to dedicate these songs, to Lisa, whom showed me the mad strength, of this heart. And courage, to be. -

Lisa, you’re spirit is a clear river,
Your soul is a dark forest,
Your sexuality is a fire, that burns me,
Cauterizes my wounds,
Your smile:
Gives me breath of winter air.
You touch me, and open up a well-within me,

I didn’t even know was there.


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