Overflowing as a Gift

Out from a well, that bares a message, that all can tell: love.
Love as a stream, cool, upon your heat it fell. But who was there to tell? ---
Soul, neglected, it still feels your betrayal.
Lack, may swell, fester, like a itch. America's fever pitch!
Anxious to become, with not enough for bail.
Remember when you threw yourself in it's wake! When all life, did reach out and yell!
"Go now! Risk it all, and tip the scale."
you did bruise: browning, or blackening, or bluing: not appealing, nor in good taste:
The body, body live and boisterous space, now empty: haunted, by desires you could never quell!
Burden, rather than, ship set sail!
Hidden shame like a hundred weights up your back, and bell!
Patience, my sweet-heart. You cannot steal life's jewel.
A slow realization: soul is you and not you: duality of poetry, 
it breaks hearts.
so it seems; something to eat: gruel.
Pain is a room, in which we all must dwell.
Although, I must ask:
Why alone? Why alone? Why alone?
Why this one! Alone.
Overflowing as a gift, a forgotten gift. A despised pass-time, that draws us near: for those who are lost, are still held, dear.


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