
a float,
a parchment snake, large as a city street. Carried on sticks, by young and old alike.
Vibrant: pink, green, yellow!

a pig, black as oil. Made of slick stone. Inside of which, a belly burns of fire. blazing, needing constant wood.

Then comes! Darting to and fro, paper doves, held aloft their rafters, by string. thrown by children, whom can run through, and hold them between two fingers

a cat, black and blue.

Lizards, Gecko, and Frogs, all flat, waved at people to keep off the heat.

a procession of black clothed, mostly girls. Standing in lines, watched by no one. Groups of orange men, dancing in strength and vigilance.

then comes the mannequins. an angelic form, and demonic form, a human form: all reaching out needing penance paid in flowers, or beads, or money.

On this grand and holy night, children sing and dance, parents roll and delight. All is colorful, in form and light.

This is written as a protest


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