What can I do? --- Hero --- A silent tear

These three poems, are dedicated to tears. And to my parents, for difficulties and loss.

-What can I do?-

Standing by an open door.

My mother laying on her back,
as light drifts in through the white curtains,
and settles on the bed next to her.

She is crying, sobbing, hopelessly.
against white curtains,
which are flowing in springtime's
cool light of the afternoon.

"why are you crying mom, what can I do?
Tell me what I can do."

As sorrow runs, of the sheets, along the floor,

and into me.


Dad and Me,
beside a falling sun.
So bright and orange,
like a cream-pop.

Highwaymen, plays on the radio.

Dad is choked up,

My eyes are in amazement,
at what they see,
"a hero!"

- A silent tear -

We're leaving now! Running side by side.

oh boy, the end of a school year,
my friend and I,

am I an annoyance? I like to be.
what else is a friend? to be.
I love to be.

What? They are here to pick me up,
I am not going on the bus today.
and not to school again, this next year.

Dropping, it feels like forever.

Or so in parting, I can tell.
There was a seat waiting for me.
by friends.
Who are going.


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